Sunday, November 13, 2011

It's been too long

It's been too long since my last post on this blog. I'm now living in a new place (I'm now in DC, not DC metro area), and I have my dream job (I'm working as a Social Media Marketing Aide for a small dental office). I'm in a new relationship, and simply put I'm really happy with my life right now.

I'm going to be taking the GREs soon, and that's scaring me. I'm so glad to see that my last post on handling security deposits got some positive feedback. I, of course, followed through with my post and got my security deposit back from my last landlord. I love the new place that I'm living in, as it's in the heart of the DC, but still close enough to the VA border (I work in VA). I am, however, looking for a second job as I feel like, after finding a new job and new place, I have more free time on my hands than ever. The second job, I'm in no hurry to find. I hope you all are doing well, and expect more posts coming up!