Tuesday, June 29, 2010

half way mark

I know. I haven't been posting anything. I've been busy traveling to Boston to see my boyfriend, and now I'm home. Job hunting, at the moment, is still going nowhere. It seems that everyone that I know is having trouble finding jobs. It's difficult, and frusterating. My internship, on the other hand, has been very enlightening and rewarding. Granted that I don't work full-time, but nonetheless the information and what I'm doing I believe will help me in the future. I just wish that there was something that I can do to increase my chances of getting a job.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Week 2

After spending one week here in DC, I started to get the hang of the city. I started to know where the best grocery stores are, which metro to take, and that Wednesdays are the day to go to the local farmer's market (they have wonderful mango gelato). My experience with the internship has been mundane so far. I update Publicsquare.net's facebook and twitter page, and even got a twitter page myself (still have no idea on how to use it). My job hunting experience, however, hasn't been so lucky. Granted that I've only been here for a week, but I'm starting to get a bit lazy (haha!), so I need to keep myself occupied. It's not easy, since there's not much to do (that I know of yet), and that I don't have many friends down here (most of them are off traveling elsewhere). Thus, I've decided that studying maybe the next best thing (GREs, here I come). With that said, I'm starting to see how working part-time can be kinda boring, but full-time is exhausting. I need to find a balance between the two, and then maybe I'll have some luck in the "job-hunting" department. Who knows, maybe I'll decided to stay in DC indefinitely without a job.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Getting settled in DC

When I first got here, I didn't know what to expect. I had to get a lot of shopping done for my dorm room, but I didn't know where to go. Luckily, I have two friends here that showed me the ropes. They both showed me where to go eat (if I choose to eat out), where the Starbucks are, and where I can go to get groceries. It took me three days to get settled in, and that included unpacking.

What is so great about living in a city is that everything is near you. I don't have a car, and frankly you don't need one here. The one thing that is a downer is trying to figure out where the streets are, and which direction to go. I had the same problem when I was in Melbourne, Australia, but I got the hang of it once I was familiarized with the city. DC, so far, has treated me well. The people here are so nice, and frankly I'm starting to fall in love with it. Nothing regarding the so-called "real world" has hit yet, but only time will tell. My internship doesn't start until today, and frankly I'm still too overwhelmed with finding out what there is in the city to start job hunting yet. Give me a few weeks, and we'll see how I try to handle everything.